Hey guys, sorry for checking out for so long, since my last post my mom passed away, and my wife later had a heart attack. last month i started a build on a 30-30 win side by side for a customer. I read the comments regarding double triggers, quickly let me give you my idea/plans. i plan to use a modified TC Hawken style, since the set trigger is already in place, the only hurdle is for the front trigger to engage the sear in order to release the striker. i believe this will work with some milling of the bottom tang to facilitate the actual mounting of the trigger assy. the bridge assy will require some relief milling and the front trigger will need to have height added (some light welding to build it up to engage the sear. I have made some initial strides with this project and will get back on it when i am finished with the double rifle. i expect the double rifle will occupy most of my time over the next six months. As far as the computer drawing, i'm still working on that when i can. my long range plan is to see if there is viability in re-creating the Model 219 (striker fired). One of the things that i hope to change from the original design is a different locking system that would facilitate a broader caliber selection. the original design is certainly time tested and who would have ever thought these rifles would sell for what they do. anyway i'll do a better job of staying in touch. if you pm me and i don't respond my apology i live in the sticks (on purpose) and don't spend much time on the computer, but will start checking my email more often. yall have a great evening
mark dixon