Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 5092 times)

Steve Hamady

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« on: April 07, 2015, 07:33:30 PM »
   Hi! I was doing a search for info on my Father's Savage, Model 219/220 combo rifle and came upon this site. I was immediately overjoyed to find such a wealth of information for this old timer. I never though I would find so much useful information on the 219/220. Kudos, Mr. Stancil! Great job!
   With that being said, I feel your passion for the desire to know even more yet. Well, that's why I signed on here. I figured I owe you one in return.  Over the next week I will obtain as much info on the stampings and numbers on this rifle and its two barrels. It's a 30-30/12 Ga. combo. I'll fill you in with further details in my next post.



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Re: Hello!
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2015, 10:21:02 PM »
Steve, Thank you!  I will look forward to your information.  Pleae be sure to include the barrel lengths.  The model numbers varied with the barrel lengths and caliber/gage of the utility sets.  I hope you have found the information on this forum from other members and me to be interesting and useful.  Best wishes, Garnett