I mention in my book that several years ago I talked with a man who said that a Model 219-C (for carbine) was made with a 20 inch barrel by the factory. He says the barrels are actually stamped 219-C. I have found no evidence of the existence of such a barrel. Where was the barrel made? I would think if such a barrel exists, it would have been pre-war from Utica. My 26 inch barreled 219 in .30-30 & .25-20 have a muzzle diameter of .59 and my .22 Hornet barrel measures .60. Do you have another barrel that you can measure the diameter at the 20 inch mark? Also, if your 20" barrel muzzle diameter is considerably larger than the above two numbers, I personally think that is a good indication it has been cut and re-crowned. The former Savage Historian, Mr. Callahan, had all the R&D Savage records. He advised me that there was no record of a carbine model, and any barrels less than 26" were modified after leaving the factory. However, he also advised me that the factory did not make a "Trap" model. I have 3 of them, in 12, 16, and 20 gauge. I bid and lost on two others in 28 and .410. I recently have talked with another gentleman who has a Trap gun in 16 gauge. So, it is possible. Something else to consider, Numrich Arms has sold for several years, a 20", 20 gauge slug barrel with rifle sights. They say it is a Savage made barrel. I have one, and the others I have seen are only marked with a "20", in a circle. No other markings. This is an inspectors mark, according to Mr. Callahan. Could you share with us a picture of all the barrel markings, and the muzzle diameter?