Author Topic: Canuckie, newish collector  (Read 4318 times)


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Canuckie, newish collector
« on: January 05, 2018, 06:47:52 PM »
Oh, hey.

Just joined this morning before I took a road trip. I found a gun store in Saskatchewan and asked about striker firing pins for 219/220s. They had four of the pre A series type and one of the 220a or Chicopee falls version ones like numrich has left. I asked if they would sell me all of the four that numrich no longer carries. I could only get them to part with two. They did have older parts list/diagrams than numrich for the 219/220 and 220A models and one for the 219/220B models. Sorry but I am going to hoard the firing pins. I have Utica 220 28 gauge almost new with box, 220 12 gauge and a 220 16 gauge. A 220a is in the mail. I will have to fill out the forms for Garnet especially stock type and barrel/receiver marks for the 28. How would I post photos


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Re: Canuckie, newish collector
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 08:56:40 PM »
Cleetus, It is good to hear from you!  The 28 gauge is hard to find, and with the box....very rare.  I have only seen two boxes for sale and purchased both.  The striker pins are plentiful on Ebay, but I have no idea what problems, if any, you might have getting them to Canada.  Please do post pictures, especially of your box.  Just click below, outside the box, where is says "Add image to post" and follow directions.  If you have a problem, let me know, and I will get my son to help you.  He set up my web site.  I am computer "ILLITERATE!" :)  Thanks for sharing with us!