Author Topic: A different looking early? action. Need help identifying.  (Read 2491 times)


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A different looking early? action. Need help identifying.
« on: January 20, 2019, 05:32:05 PM »
Two very different 219/220 actions anyone recognize these? One is somewhat "normal"? the other is????  Garnett can best ask the right questions. 
From Garnett: "Please compare picture 1 and picture two.  Picture one is a Second Model Utica as normally found.  Picture 2 is a First Model Utica, but something is different.  Can you see it?  Picture 3 is the same First Model Utica and picture 4 is the same Second Model Utica.  Again, something is different.  Can you spot the difference?"  You may need to click on the pictures to enlarge them.  The owner and I have been going back and fourth for several days about these two actions.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 06:30:46 PM by Garnett »