Art, I don't know that I can be of any help with your problem, but I will share what I do know. Some of these guns that have had little use, are very difficult to open because they are so tight. Some of mine open easily, but some require all the pressure my 77 year old hands can provide to get the lever far enough over to release the lock. You may not need any parts, unless a broken part is causing the problem, but just some use to loosen it up. I feel sure a competent gunsmith could possibly polish the parts so they would work smoothly or you might try it yourself. You must remove the stock to get to any of the internal action parts. I do know from what others have found out.....if you disassemble one of these.....when you put it back together, if you think a wire spring is NOT try to straighten it as it is bent that shape for a purpose. If Stevens parts can be substituted, I am not aware of it. I have bought several Savage 219/220 parts from Numrich (GunPartsCorp) as they have lots of parts for the 219/220. They also list a lot of parts that they no longer have. They are listed on the internet. Maybe some of the other readers can suggest something. Good luck.