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Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: My 219/220 Utility combo
« Last post by Cleetus on July 07, 2024, 03:16:55 PM »
Nice to see guns that have been looked after for so many years.
Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: My 219/220 Utility combo
« Last post by Garnett on July 07, 2024, 12:55:16 PM »
Thanks for sharing your "Utility" set with us.  If you will post the shotgun barrel length, I can give you the actual factory number designation for the set.  As to the choke, I have not found choke identifying marks on any of the guns I have researched.  Also, I have found no choke designations other than "Full" in the catalogs.  I had 3 Utility sets, 333 was the highest number of my 3.  These sets are rare.  Let me caution buyers who find the 219 rifles with an extra shotgun barrel, especially without a shotgun forearm, for sale, and listed as original "Utility" sets.  The assembly numbers must match on all 5 pieces.  Thanks again for sharing.  You have a very hard to find set.
Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / My 219/220 Utility combo
« Last post by Ryder on July 07, 2024, 03:59:22 AM »
Hello all. I mentioned this 219/220 rifle/shotgun combo in the introduction forum. My father purchased this set as a factory set about 1939-1941. It's a 30-30 with 20 GA barrel. Separate fore ends.  I was given it at age 12, about 1963. I hunted with it for several years before going mostly to other guns. I did bag a fair amount of small game with the 20 GA. I used the 30-30 for some deer hunting, but I don't recall bagging a deer with that rifle. Decades later I gave back to my dad to do some nostalgia hunting, until his eyesight was failing in his 80's. After having it back for some years I plan to do a good bit of range shooting with it. I used to have another 30-30 219 with a 16 GA barrel. I never got around to firing that piece and no longer have. I think that one was a 219B.

This one is an early striker fired Utica marked Savage. The 219 receiver and both fore ends have matching assembly numbers of 107. The 20 GA barrel isn't marked with choke. I was told it was a full choke and that seems to be correct.

After I get a good barrel cleaning one and shoot it, I'll try to report back. I just bought one box of the Hornady Lever-lution pointed 30-30 to go along with some other traditional 30-30 ammo. Not sure how that boattail bullet will work.


Hi! My Name is... / Hello
« Last post by Ryder on July 07, 2024, 03:19:58 AM »
I just wanted to greet forum members and fans of the Savage 219/220. I will attempt to post in 219 forum about a utility combo that I have had nearly all my life. It was originally purchased by my father in approximately 1940.

I'm in my 70's and my dad had given me the 30-30 and 20 GA. combo when I was 12. It later wound up back in his care for some years. I got it back when he had gotten into his later 80's and his sight was failing.

I had been a lifetime hunter and shooter, but gave up hunting abut 12 years ago. Mostly for health reasons. I plan to put the 219 into use in the near future for some range use. I had been a collector of military rifles and had some nice pieces as old as the 1880's, but mostly WWI and WWII. A good many contract Mausers as well. Those are all gone. Anyhow, Garnett, thanks for this forum and all your work. I had bought the first edition of your 219/220 book some years ago and hope I can locate it soon.
Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: New to me - 25-20WCF
« Last post by Garnett on June 05, 2024, 06:56:17 PM »
Thanks for the update.  Please keep us informed.
Hi! My Name is... / Re: Greetings
« Last post by StevenJ on June 04, 2024, 12:56:31 AM »
Hi Rickomatic, welcome. This is a quiet forum but do ask your questions and check in from time to time. If we participate and encourage each other this forum may grow.

In the mean time, we would love to see photos of your gun.

Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: New to me - 25-20WCF
« Last post by StevenJ on June 04, 2024, 12:55:07 AM »
Thanks Garnett. I did think that is seemed to have been tinkered with along the way. Who knows the reason. The previous owner probably had the best intentions and probably made the rifle better for their own purposes in the day. Our role is not to judge ;)

I managed to shoot some nice groups with it.

I tried my black powder loads and got no where. The 85grain bullet showed evidence of yawing through the target. It was achieving 1350fps through the chronograph, but it did not appear to be stable. I really could not hit the side of the barn from the inside!

A 9.0 and 9.5 grain smokeless load of AR2207 under the same bullet saw some 1" groups at 25m. No exactly bench rest shooting, but given that I only loaded 5 rounds of each for testing, and that I was in a hurry to do other things, I was pleased with the result.

Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: New to me - 25-20WCF
« Last post by Garnett on June 02, 2024, 02:54:33 PM »
Steve, Your front sight has been altered.  Attached are pictures of the correct front sight for your rifle.  Your rifle most likely had the top sight and the bottom sight was used on later models, but I have not been able to determine exactly when their use began.  It could be that the gold bead sight was discontinued due to costs.  Click on picture to enlarge.

Savage 219 Single Shot Rifles / Re: New to me - 25-20WCF
« Last post by StevenJ on June 02, 2024, 07:17:03 AM »

As requested, here are a couple of shots of the front sight. I also included a better picture of the rear sight.

I am really not fond of this buckhorn sight. It covers so much of the target and I find it hard to get the front sight to the correct height. It maybe that the front sight has had the bead filed away. Or... maybe not.

I will look out for a weaver side mount, but I also wonder what model of top rail may fit this gun. I don't really want to start drilling it, but at the same time, as we have previously discussed, it is pretty worn out. If I could find a nice older model scope, that would be fine by me. My eyes are not what they used to be.


Buy, Sell, Wanted, and Trade... / Re: Early model 219/220 parts
« Last post by Savageguy219 on May 12, 2024, 11:14:32 AM »
This was my old account I know longer have access too (summitww). Check my new post for parts savageguy219

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